10 African-American Nurses Who Changed the Course of History!

Associates Degree Nursing in Guide Nursing has come a long way over the years, and its evolution – at least politically – owes much to the exceptional service, advocacy and determination of African Americans in the profession. From the inspirational Harriet Tubman to the feisty Mary Eliza Mahoney, these 10 women stand as shining examplesContinue reading “10 African-American Nurses Who Changed the Course of History!”

Mary Mahoney, RN: Nurse Leader and Pioneer of Equality

NurseTogether.Com By: Shantelle Coe In honor of Black History Month, I wanted to focus on pioneer Mary Eliza Mahoney (May 7, 1845 – January 4, 1926). She is the first black woman to study and work as a professionally-trained nurse in the United States. Mary Mahoney worked for 15 years as a maid, washerwoman, janitor,Continue reading “Mary Mahoney, RN: Nurse Leader and Pioneer of Equality”